
Bell System Technical Journal, v28: i4 October 1949

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
601-607Reactance Tube Modulation of Phase Shift OscillatorsDennis, F.R.; Felch, E.P.
608-618A Broad-Band Microwave Noise SourceMumford, W.W.
619-646Electronic Admittances of Parallel-Plane Electron Tubes at 4000 MegacyclesRobertson, Sloan D.
647-655Passive Four-Pole Admittances of Microwave TriodesRobertson, Sloan D.
656-715Communication Theory of Secrecy SystemsShannon, C.E.
716-750The Design of Reactive EqualizersBrogle, A.P., Jr.
751-752Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors 
753Contributors to this Issue 
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