
Bell System Technical Journal, v17: i1 January 1938

Table of Contents
Page(s)Article TitleAuthor(s)
1-16New Transmission Measuring Systems for Telephone Circuit MaintenanceBest, F.H.
17-48The Impedance Concept and its Application to Problems of Reflection, Refraction, Shielding and Power AbsorptionSchelkunoff, S.A.
49-79On the Theory of Space Charge Between Parallel Plane ElectrodesFay, C.E.; Samuel, A.L.; Shockley, W.
80-105A Carrier Telephone System for Toll CablesGreen, C.W.; Green, E.I.
106-124Cable Carrier Telephone TerminalsChesnut, R.W.; Ilgenfritz, L.M.; Kenner, A.
125-136Crystal Channel Filters for the Cable Carrier SystemLane, C.E.
137-161Crosstalk and Noise Features of Cable Carrier Telephone SystemWeaver, M.A.; Tucker, R.S.; Darnell, P.S.
162-183A New Single Channel Carrier Telephone SystemFisher, H.J.; Almquist, M.L.; Mills, R.H.
184-190Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources 
191-193Contributors to this Issue 
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